Go streaking

Not that kind of streak.

I’m going to run at least one mile every day in 2020. The reason makes perfect sense to me. I have been planning this for more than a year.

Streaks are a lot of fun and easier than you think. When you’re doing a streak, all the excuses disappear. I’m going for a run each morning because I’m doing a streak. Not lacing up my shoes is not an option.

While running streaks are popular (the longest streak was for 52 years and 39 days), there are other streaks out there. You could journal every day, or take a photo of the same tree. Or you could read a book for fifteen minutes. Anything that you do every day of the year is a streak. It’s incredibly satisfying to see how much you did at the end of the year.

The most important thing to do, besides your challenge, is to record your daily efforts. A gold sticker on a calendar or a spreadsheet with Xs is all you need. If you want to do a running streak, I recommend recording it onĀ  Smashrun. This website gives virtual badges for various runs and is why I’m running every day in 2020.

Join me in streaking. You don’t even have to take your clothes off.