A week of completion

There is a week left in 2019.

How did your goals and resolutions go this year? Are they all completed? If not, can you finish them in the next week? If you can, do so.

Obviously, if you gained ten pounds from Halloween to Christmas, you aren’t going to meet your weight goals in a week. However, you could turn your diet around and get in the habit of drinking water instead of spiked egg nog. A week of healthy eating will improve how you feel on January 1st.

Perhaps you planned to declutter your house. A great way to do this is with your Christmas decorations. Instead of just stuffing them all in bins, look at each one wherever it is in your house and decide if you really like it. It might help if you take a picture of the item so you can study it carefully. If you display it out of habit, consider if you want to have it in your house next Christmas. When you are done, you should only have decorations that you love (and hopefully fewer boxes to store.)

You can do a lot in a week. If the kids are home, enlist their help. Make the resolution a family project, and it will probably go faster.

We’ll set new goals in 2020, so clear the 2019 table. (And write your thank you cards.)