Tag: Projects

Write a February poem

I’m not fond of reading poetry, but I like to write it. I was looking for a February poem and stumbled across a fun poetry style. The poem is called “28 Word Poem for February.” What a clever idea. Here it is. “Freezingcold winds,biting chills, andwhite snow fluffed hillsValentine’s day, oh how gay!presidents’ day is…

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What am I doing?

I’m going to measure how I spend my time. If I successfully do this, I’ll be impressed. I tend to start projects like this and then stop after the first day. Perhaps if I tell you what I’m doing, you can hold me accountable. I have mentioned the Before Breakfast podcast before. Laura Vanderkam is…

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My thanks to you

I just finished my thank you cards. This isn’t a chore I enjoy, so usually I procrastinate. I’m try to do less of that (we’ll discuss that on a different post) so I got them done. I’ve had to write thank you cards all my life. I can remember my mom hounding me when I…

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Go streaking

Not that kind of streak. I’m going to run at least one mile every day in 2020. The reason makes perfect sense to me. I have been planning this for more than a year. Streaks are a lot of fun and easier than you think. When you’re doing a streak, all the excuses disappear. I’m…

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24 days of fun

I wanted to do something fun with Footle and Grok in December. After several ideas floated around my mind, I settled on the following plan. Many years ago, I made advent quilts for family members. This hanging quilt had twenty-four pockets, and each pocket held an index card. The cards had the day on one…

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