Author: Jennifer Vandenberg

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope you have the best Christmas ever. I listened to a different Christmas CD every day of December. Some I already owned and some I got from the library. Most years, I get my Christmas music from the radio or listen to the same two or three Christmas CDs over and over again. I…

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A gift for everyone

Day 21 – Today, show more patience than normal. God has a lot of patience with us, so work on showing a little to those who need it most. It’s the Saturday before Christmas, and I imagine a lot of people are going to shop today. Dealing with crowded parking lots, harried retail employees, and…

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Just say yes

Day 17 – Say yes to a crazy request. Does someone want you to have a snowball fight? Say yes. Enjoy doing things you don’t normally do. One of the hallmarks of time management is learning to say no to things that are not priorities in your life. I believe this is a good idea.…

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