Make a merry connection

Day 18 – Tonight, call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Wish them a Merry Christmas and tell them to do the same to someone else.

I do not like talking on the phone, so if I was writing this activity today, I would suggest connecting with someone in whatever way works for you. I just had a friend message me on Facebook. I haven’t talked to him for a few months, and now we’ve reconnected. It was lovely of him to reach out.

Because that’s what is important, right? Reaching out. How you do it isn’t important. Write a letter, send an email, use Morse code* (if that works for you and your friend), or if you want, pick up the phone. It’s a great gift that costs nothing but can mean the world to the person you are connecting with.

*I have included a website if you want to learn Morse code. I loved learning it as a kid, although I don’t remember most of it. If you think there is no use for Morse code, think again. Morse code bracelets are a fashionable way to wear your name or endearment.