Would You Rather? House edition

I checked out one of my favorite shows from the library today.

I never saw Treehouse Masters when it first aired on Animal Planet, but I love binge-watching the DVDs. I would love to live in a treehouse and would settle for staying at a treehouse hotel someday.

However, my hubby dreams of living underground, hobbit style. He wants something safe and protected from the troubles of the world.

This led me to wonder what other people prefer. Now, you may think living in an ordinary house on the ground is ideal, but that’s not an option today. Today, I’m playing, “Would You Rather?”

Would you rather live in a treehouse or live underground? Let me know in the comments or on the Facebook page. You already know my answer.

I’m going to go watch another episode of Treehouse Masters.

One Reply to “Would You Rather? House edition”

  1. Not Fair! There likely will never be a TV show called Cave Masters because it will only attract internet trolls

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