When robotics make us human

Every time I run, I’m grateful for my legs and feet.

I know that if something happened, and I lost a limb, I would embrace whatever technology allowed me to live a life worth living. I’m always impressed by runners like Marko Cheseto, who break records on blades and provide inspiration to everyone. But, everything I had read before now talked about the limitations of prosthetics.

Then I saw a TED Talk by Hugh Herr. This video was mentioned in the back of the book I recommended in yesterday’s post, Broken Places, & Outer Spaces.* The technology that this MIT professor and his team have developed is game-changing.

I don’t want to give away too much, but I encourage you to watch to the end (it’s not that long.) The climber brought me to tears. I don’t know what the future will hold, but I believe that a lot of good will come from those people who don’t let today’s limitations hold them back.

*Amazon affiliate link