There’s still time left

I missed an important countdown date.

As of today, there are forty-nine days left in 2019. Yowser! Not even fifty. How are your goals going? I, of course, am behind on everything but my reading goal (I knocked that one out of the park.)

As I always say, the year’s not over until the ball drops and kisses are exchanged. Even then, you can always work on your goals in 2020. But for 2019, the clock is ticking.

We all know that December is a crazy, busy month, so why not take these two weeks before Thanksgiving and pick one of your goals to focus on. With the help of my friend, Judy, I’m working on my weight loss goal by counting my calories. It’s annoying but necessary.

Did I mention that Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow? (I’m talking about it today to make up for missing the fifty-day mark.) I have no idea what I’m doing for Thanksgiving, but I know that two weeks is a perfect amount of time to focus on a project.

In the next two weeks, I’m also finishing all my Christmas gifts, writing all my Christmas cards, and decluttering my Christmas decorations. This is all part of my stress-free, enjoy-the-holidays plan I have for December. Don’t feel you need to be as crazy as I am.

Whatever day it is, spend time on your goals. If you finish them in 2019, you get to make new goals for 2020, which is a lot more fun.