Not the fudgy kind

Day 12 – Give someone the day off. Do they normally do the dishes? Tell them that they have the day off and do it for them. Whatever it may be, do it for them cheerfully so they feel like they can enjoy their day off.

In my Girl Scout Brownie and Junior Handbook, published in 1977, there is a story about two kids who wished they had a brownie in their house who would do all the chores so that their father, who was raising them, didn’t have to work so hard. The girl visited a wise old owl one evening to learn how to find a brownie, and he told her to go to the pond, turn around three times, and look in the water. When she did, she was to say the following words.

“Twist me and turn me and show me the elf,

I looked in the water and saw _____.”

Whatever she saw that rhymed with “elf” was her brownie. She only saw her own face, so she went back to the owl and complained. “All I saw was myself!”

The owl explained that the girl was the brownie and could do chores to help her father instead of being lazy. She didn’t want to be lazy, so she and her brother woke up early and did the chores. Their father was so glad that the brownies were back that the children didn’t tell him that they were the brownies.

This Brownie Story has many different renditions, but they all have the same message. It’s good to be helpful and not ask for anything in return.

Today, why not be a brownie for someone. Do their chores so they can have some time off to do something fun. You can tell them what you are going to do, or do it without them knowing. Either way, do it with joy so they can enjoy their time off guilt-free.