I just finished my thank you cards.
This isn’t a chore I enjoy, so usually I procrastinate. I’m try to do less of that (we’ll discuss that on a different post) so I got them done.
I’ve had to write thank you cards all my life. I can remember my mom hounding me when I was a kid to finish my cards. My writing font is small, and I thought I’d never have enough to say to fill the entire card. Back then, I didn’t understand. All I had to say was thank you.
Nowadays, I handwrite my thank you cards because people like to get mail that isn’t bills or ads. I don’t expect the receipent to keep the card (don’t let me add to your clutter.) Read and recycle should be the goal. I expressed my thanks and the gift giver received a bit of special mail.
I’ve said this before, but the method of sending a thank you is less important than making sure you that you do. Text, email, or phone. It all works.
It’s nice to get a thank you card for a gift given, but I’m going to try and say thank you for all the nice things people do for me throughout the year. It’s easy, free, and much appreciated.
I’ll start right here. Thank you for reading my blog. I write them with you in mind.