I’ll bring the dip

The full quote is, “I’ll bring the dip if you bring the Dostoevsky.”

It is from one of my favorite childhood films, Condorman, a fun and crazy movie about a cartoonist who becomes a spy. Michael Crawford (before he was the Phantom of the Opera) is in it.

Today is Chips and Dip Day, so this is the perfect quote to say anytime someone asks you a question. (It means yes.)

A person in your house: Do you want tacos for dinner?

You: I’ll bring the dip, if you bring the Dostoevsky.

See, it totally works.

What are your favorite chips and dips? Potato chips with french onion dip? Tortilla chips and salsa? Fritos and bean dip? Yep, those are my favorites. What are yours? Let me know in the comments or on Facebook.

I don’t know if there is a National Chips Day (it turns out National Potato Chip Day was March 14,) but I don’t eat chips without dip. Perhaps that is why I love that quote so much.