Getting a wellness check

My computer has been running slow for several months.

It’s not that old, so I thought that a computer guru could clean it and get get my speed back. However, I was reluctant to give it up for however long it would take. Plus, what if something went wrong? I use my computer for too many projects to take the chance of it being ruined.

And then, last Friday, my power button broke, and I couldn’t turn on my computer. I found a local place to take my laptop, and the guy there seemed to know his stuff.

The part that broke needed to be ordered. Since my computer broke on a Friday and Monday was a holiday, the part wasn’t going to arrive for several days. I had no choice but to use an older laptop for a while.

However, there’s always a silver lining. The computer guy could turn my computer on from inside the unit, so I asked him to clean my computer since he was going to have it for so long. It was the perfect opportunity to get some speed back.

I picked it up on Thursday afternoon, and it’s like new. The power button no longer feels like it will break if I touch it, and the overall performance is much better. Obviously, I could have saved myself some frustration if I had done a wellness check months ago, but like going to the doctor, it’s easy to postpone things even if they make us feel better.

Maybe you can learn something from my story and get something fixed that you’ve been putting up with. Or just wait for it to break, like I did, and then look for the silver lining.