Find happiness, even on the Ides of March

Poor Caesar.

I like ides, because lots of months have them. Ides means the middle of the month. Today is the famous one.

Remember, no matter what happens with the coronavirus, at least we are not being betrayed and killed by our friends. At least, I hope not.

I was going to share some quotes from Shakespeare, but they’re all about death, and while clever, a little depressing in today’s world. (Well, one of them was about tongues and tails, but we don’t need to go there.)

I wanted something with a more hopeful message, so I turned to my all-time favorite author, Roald Dahl. If you ever need a feel-good book (and this seems like the perfect time), I recommend James and the Giant Peach, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Matilda, George’s Marvelous Medicine, and first and foremost, Danny the Champion of the World*. In theory, these are kid’s books, but endearing, happy stories are for any age.

“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl.

*Amazon affiliate link