Eat like a groundhog

Happy Groundhog Day! Phil didn’t see his shadow!!! Go spring!

It’s also Super Bowl Sunday, and if you care about one of the two teams, good luck.

I thought it would be fun to share some yummy recipes for Groundhog Day. This turned out to be a terrible idea. I’m not going to show you all the scary recipes I found, you can google Groundhog Day recipes if you want to be shocked.

There were horrible desserts that looked like they were made by angry three-year-olds. There were beef wellingtons and calzones in the shape of groundhogs. (Why?!) I even found a stew made with woodchuck (I suppose they thought calling it groundhog [they are the same animal] would be too disturbing.)

Other sites created Groundhog Day menus that involved pork dishes. Again, why? Are we celebrating Punxsutawney Phil, or are we eating him?

I did find two lovely recipes that I am willing to share. One is for a winter salad. After all, groundhogs are herbivores; shouldn’t we celebrate by eating what they would eat? The other is for a cute cookie that won’t scare small children (unlike others I found.)

Have a lovely Groundhog Day. It doesn’t really matter whether Phil sees his shadow or not. The fun is in the tradition. Why not add some delicious recipes? I’m sure all the groundhogs out there would appreciate it.