The more Christmas spirit, the better

Day 1 – Keep a Christmas tape in your car. Play it as you drive so that you remember to display Christmas spirit with other drivers.

Tape? What year did I make this list? I still have several Christmas cassettes, but this year I’m transferring them into iTunes as I have done with all my other tapes. I do have a cassette player, but I rarely pull it out, and it’s easier to play the music on my phone.

My dad had a speaker in every room that connected to his record player and stereo. In December, we would put a stack of 33s on the rod and listen to all the side A’s as they dropped. We’d then turn the stack over and listen to the other sides. Dad had Spike Jones, Mitch Miller, Elvis Presley, The Mormon Tabernacle, and others. It was fun to listen to as we wrapped gifts or hung lights.

When I went to college, I copied most of his records onto cassettes so I could play them in my dorm room. Some of them I have since bought on CD, but others are really hard to find, so I’ll just add them as they are.

I don’t know why I added the part about reducing road rage, but it’s probably true. It’s hard to be mad at other drivers when you are singing “Rudolf, The Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

Whether you listen to the radio, an 8-track, a cassette, a CD, your phone, or SiriusXM, I hope you’ll play some festive music in the car and be courteous to other drivers. We’re all a little crazy this time of year.