Deadlines are remarkable things, especially when there are consequences if you miss them.
We had to have the U-Haul back by 5 p.m. yesterday, and I started work at 4. Also, my car was in long-term parking at the airport and needed to be sprung. So we had to have the 15-foot truck emptied by 2 p.m.
We had marvelous friends help pack the truck in Washington, but we were on our own here and didn’t even have a furniture dolly.
But with the threat of paying more fees to U-Haul we got that truck unloaded. Thank goodness for deadlines. It didn’t matter if we were tired or sore. We kept at it and made it to the airport, the U-Haul place, and work on time.
Now, I have a new deadline. Much of what we removed from the truck is in my front yard. Rain is predicted for Friday so I have to have everything inside by tomorrow.
Hooray! Another deadline to meet.