Be sneaky for good

Day  6 – Do a good deed. Good deeds are those little things that don’t have to be done, but you do anyway. Try to do three today.

How often do you do a job at home and then point it out so that your spouse will thank you? How often do you grumble because no one noticed that you vacuumed or emptied the dishwasher?

We all want to be noticed, especially when doing good things, but Bishop Nicholas (Saint Nicholas) preferred to be anonymous. In all the stories of him doing good deeds, he always slips away before he can be thanked.

Would we be happier if we did kind things for other people for their sake instead of ours? Probably. Why not try it out. Do something nice and don’t mention it. In fact, make a point to not be noticed. There is a lot of satisfaction in helping out in secret.

Try it three times today and see if the attitude in your house improves. Perhaps Bishop Nicholas knew what he was doing.