A gift for everyone

Day 21 – Today, show more patience than normal. God has a lot of patience with us, so work on showing a little to those who need it most.

It’s the Saturday before Christmas, and I imagine a lot of people are going to shop today. Dealing with crowded parking lots, harried retail employees, and long lines can fray anyone’s patience.

Instead of feeling justified in letting out your frustration, remember that everyone is in the same situation, and they all want to be doing something different. Long lines don’t have to be frustrating if you smile at people around you and remember that it will eventually be your turn. Cashiers will still be harried, but they will be nicer to you if you acknowledge their efforts. Everyone responds well to a complement.

So have patience today with everyone you meet. You’ll find that you feel better and the people around you will feel better too. Patience is a gift to everyone that we should give every day.

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.”

Joyce Meyer