A funny thing happened, and I thought I would share it with you. Whether you find it funny or just odd is up to you.
I like to wear a beanie style hat when I sleep. For years, I had a light-blue fleece one that I loved. It was ultra-comfortable and big enough to cover my eyes if I needed more darkness.
I lost that hat in a hotel room in Moses Lake, Washington, in early 2018. While I had other beanies, mainly a neon yellow one that’s slightly too small, none of them made me as happy as that blue one.
While I was in Eagle, Alaska, in August 2019, I found a dark blue beanie that was as comfortable as my lost light blue one. I was elated! I wore that hat all the time. It was my new all-time favorite. And then last summer, I lost it.
I remembered wearing it to bed, so I was sure it had to be in my bedroom. I searched under and between the mattress several times and even shone a flashlight into the dark areas. No hat. This made no sense to me, and I was mad. I loved that hat from Alaska. It was special.
I went back to wearing the neon yellow beanie that I can’t seem to lose no matter what I do. However, I never forgot that blue hat. I wanted that blue hat back.
On to another story that I promise relates to the above tale of woe. I have a shelf in my family room with mass-market paperbacks along the back and a row of framed photos along the front. This portion of the bookshelf has no back, so there is a four-inch gap at the top where the half-wall that it rests against ends. Before I had cats, this wasn’t a problem. After I had cats, things had to change.
The cats like to sit on the bookshelf and push on the books through the back gap, causing them to hit the photos and knock the frames off the shelf. Luckily they fall on carpeting, so nothing breaks (the day the cats shattered the crystal frame that held my wedding photo is another story), but I was tired of putting the frames back on the shelf.
A digital photo frame could be a solution to my problem. I’d put it somewhere safe, and I could enjoy hundreds of photos instead of just the ten on the shelf (and the floor.)
I received a digital frame for my birthday (thanks Mom and Dad!!!) and removed all the photos from the shelf. The digital frame looks awesome, and my cats have to find a new hobby.
The shelf looked empty without something on the front half, so I decided to rearrange my books. I do this often but hadn’t worked on this shelf because I had liked the way it looked before.
I gathered my cleaning supplies and removed all the books from the shelf. Can you guess what I found behind the books? My sleep hat!!!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather.
I’d been looking for that hat for months. I have no idea how it ended up in the family room when I was sure it was in the bedroom at the other end of the house. My only theory is I took it off for some reason and set it on the bookcase. The cats must have knocked it off into the gap, and I didn’t remember it ever being in that room. Happy birthday to me!!!!
So now, I have my sleep hat back, a wonderful digital frame that I love to watch, and a clean and organized bookshelf. They say you always find things in the last place you look, but in this case, I found it in the one place I never looked. Thanks, cats, for gaslighting me all this time. I still laugh every time I put my hat on. It’s a tale to fall to sleep to.