Techology – Footle and Grok Messing about with empathy Thu, 16 Jan 2020 21:50:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Techology – Footle and Grok 32 32 168634505 When robotics make us human Thu, 16 Jan 2020 21:50:09 +0000 Read the full article

Every time I run, I’m grateful for my legs and feet.

I know that if something happened, and I lost a limb, I would embrace whatever technology allowed me to live a life worth living. I’m always impressed by runners like Marko Cheseto, who break records on blades and provide inspiration to everyone. But, everything I had read before now talked about the limitations of prosthetics.

Then I saw a TED Talk by Hugh Herr. This video was mentioned in the back of the book I recommended in yesterday’s post, Broken Places, & Outer Spaces.* The technology that this MIT professor and his team have developed is game-changing.

I don’t want to give away too much, but I encourage you to watch to the end (it’s not that long.) The climber brought me to tears. I don’t know what the future will hold, but I believe that a lot of good will come from those people who don’t let today’s limitations hold them back.

*Amazon affiliate link

This is a test (but also a survey) and a guinea pig Tue, 14 Jan 2020 04:00:37 +0000 Read the full article

Technology often confounds me.

As a few of you have noticed, you couldn’t leave a comment on this blog. (Of course, you could always leave a message on the Facebook page.) This glitch wasn’t intentional, but I hadn’t learned how to fix it.

Thanks to my hubby and reader Jim, I finally learned what the problem was. The first solution I found online was not something I was willing to do as it involved undoing things that had taken me forever to get right.

More research led me to an easy answer, and it worked!!! You can now leave me comments on the website, and everyone will see them. However, I have more questions.

Most people who read this blog do so inside an email (if you don’t, you can subscribe and receive a post a day.) Have you ever tried to leave a comment from the email? Is it possible? Or do you go to the website and leave a comment?

I really want to know, so I can make the blog as user-friendly as possible. So, here is a survey for everyone to answer. When you do, please let me know whether you left the message using the email or the website. Thank you so much for being my guinea pigs. My appreciation knows no bounds.

Many thanks to all my readers!!!

My survey (so I can receive a comment)

How many times have you seen Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope? Choose an answer from below and let me know in the comments, along with where you left the comment.

A: 0 – 5

B: 6 – 10

C: 10 – 20

D: More than 21

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Do it before a cat types on your laptop Thu, 21 Nov 2019 20:00:17 +0000 Read the full article


I’m at a friend’s house and Magic (a large black cat with a short tail) decided to write my blog post for me. Thus the 2w on the first line. I left it there as a reminder that we should all back up our computers in case a cat gets ahold of our keyboards and wreaks havoc.

Many years ago, I had a cat named Sheridan. He wasn’t the smartest animal out there, but he laid on my keyboard and managed to delete an app off the desktop. From then on keyboards were off-limits to all animals.

So back up your computer. Do not delay. Do it today. And keep your cats away from the keyboard unless you want them to write your posts for you.
