Tag: Quote

Ready for Anything

It’s Saturday, and it’s Winnie the Pooh Day. There are so many facts about A. A. Milne (the author of Winnie the Pooh), the Winnie the Pooh stories, and the many Winnie the Pooh characters that it could be its own blog. I don’t want to you sit around and read about Winnie the Pooh,…

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A gift for everyone

Day 21 – Today, show more patience than normal. God has a lot of patience with us, so work on showing a little to those who need it most. It’s the Saturday before Christmas, and I imagine a lot of people are going to shop today. Dealing with crowded parking lots, harried retail employees, and…

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With honor

Today is Veteran’s Day. “Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.” – Abraham Lincoln Thank you.