Happy National Author’s Day.

Today’s authors were yesterday’s budding writers. All writers need support, so the Lewis County Writers Guild is doing a campaign to raise money for The Lewis County Writers Guild – Doyle McKim Legacy Annual Scholarship, our annual writing scholarship for a student at Centralia College, in Centralia, Washington.
Usually, we organize a writing conference to raise money, but thanks to COVID-19, the event was canceled this year. However, there are still students who could use some extra money for their college education, so the guild hopes to provide a scholarship as we have done that last two years.
There are two ways you can help. The first way is to donate at our website (http://southwestwashingtonwriters.com/donate-to-the-2020-scholarship/). Any amount is welcome and tax-deductible.
The second way is to share the website and the above meme with your friends, family, and fans. Whether in-person, on social media, or in your newsletter, the more people who learn about our campaign, the better.
November is a month for thankfulness, and we are thankful for all our donors. We have raised $600 so far, and I would love to reach our goal of $2000 by Thanksgiving. Your support will help us succeed.