I love Crayola crayons.
Even though I have a box of 152 crayons, I get excited whenever new products come out. Their newest box of crayons thrilled me because it ends a problem I’ve had all my life.

The Colors of the World, a box of 32 crayons, contains shades of pink and brown along with blue eyes, green eyes, red and blonde hair, and others. This is the box that I wish I had as a child when my only choices to color my self-portraits were white or peach. Both of these were completely inaccurate.
It turns out I am “medium golden” on my tanned arm and “light-medium almond” on my paler areas. With all these color choices, kids of all ages can find their perfect shade.
I want to learn to draw dinosaurs (I got a book from the library to help), and these new crayons will be perfect for coloring these extinct creatures too. Dinosaurs were probably more than brown, gray, and green, just like humans.