Another fun book recommendation has gone up on the Chapters and Cats Facebook page. This one is for a wonderful Christmas-themed mystery called The Gift of the Magpie by Donna Andrews.
If I’m talking about it, it must be good, but don’t take my word for it. Chewie did the review, and he was very loud about how good this book is.
This is a change for Chapters and Cats. Originally I had Alfred doing all the reviews, while Hela suggested a good quote, and Chewie gave it a rating.
Hela and Chewie wanted to do some reviews, so they’re getting their turn. Hela will review children’s books, Alfred will review non-fiction, and Chewie will review adult fiction.
This new format will let me recommend books from various genres. Since I read a variety of books, this seemed like a solution. I could never pick just one type of book to review. I’m also considering turning the Facebook page into a blog since more people can access it.
Yep, I’ve got big plans for Chapters and Cats in 2021. It’s time for my cats to make a scene.
Go Alfred, Hela, and Chewie. And look, Oxford comma.