I love punny jokes (especially the memes with the husky.)

Okay, so that one wasn’t Halloween themed, but it makes me laugh every time. The following jokes from Good Housekeeping are spooky as well as punny. Share them like treats with no calories.
- What do mummies listen to on Halloween? Wrap music.
- How do you make a skeleton laugh? You tickle his funny bone!
- Why did the Cyclops give up teaching? He only had one pupil!
- Where does Dracula keep his money? In a blood bank.
- Why are ghosts terrible liars? You can see right through them!
- Why don’t mummies take vacations? They’re afraid to unwind.
- Where do fashionable ghosts shop? Bootiques!
- What do skeletons order at restaurants? Spare ribs.
- What does a panda ghost eat? Bam-BOO!
- What’s a vampire’s least favorite meal? A steak!