I’m trying to run/walk 1,000 miles in 2020.
Right now, I’m at 876, and I’m getting impatient. My original plan was to reach 900 on my birthday (10/19) and hit 1,000 on Thanksgiving. I think I can get it done quicker.
My new goal is to reach 900 miles this Thursday. I can easily do it; I just have to convince my brain that I should go out even if it’s raining. Running truly is 90% mental. If I weren’t doing a Leap Year streak, I’d never have reached 876 miles because I’m a master at talking myself out of running.
So, to ensure my success, I’m telling you what I am doing. Do you have a project that could be finished if you gave it a push? Feel free to share it here. Remember, it’s not a goal if it doesn’t have a deadline.
Done is a wonderful feeling. I look forward to completing 1,000 miles. I ran/walked 300 miles in July; I can easily do 124 more. I hope you feel the joy of success also.