Future-me says thank you

I shared this comic before, but I’ve been thinking about the future a lot, so I thought I would share it again.

At the beginning of each year, I find a meme that speaks to me and hang it on the wall above my computer. This time I chose this comic. I had heard of doing things for your future self before, but I never embraced the idea. It’s easier to do what Current-Me wants to do. However, this year, I have some big plans that won’t happen if Current-Me gets her way all the time.

It’s not easy to do what will make Future-Me happy. Current-Me is very persuasive. But if I want to PR in my first half marathon in June or find a new career or home, I need to focus on Future-Me’s needs. Thus I have this comic to remind me.

We all have big goals that seem so far in the future that we don’t think we have to deal with them today. But the thing we often forget is that in order to have the future we desire, we have to do certain things now, things that might be uncomfortable or challenging. 

So let Current-You have fun, but occasionally do what will make Future-You happy. The new Current-You will be glad you did.