Today is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day (which is a bizarre holiday idea.)
I have three kittens as all my readers know, and honestly, I don’t want to answer their questions. They’d probably ask things like, “Why can’t I go outside even though it scares me?” or “Why can’t I destroy the couch/carpeting/paperwork?”
The answer to these questions should be obvious. (The answer is “Because I said so” in case it wasn’t obvious.)
Now, if they asked me, “Can I go on vacation with you?” or “Can I sleep with you if I promise to be calm?” I would gladly answer, “Yes!”
But I know my cats, and the only thing going through their minds are, “What can I get away with?” They already know the answer is “nothing” because I am always watching.
Still, they are cute, and it might be fun to have a conversation with them. However, I want to ask my kittens a few questions of my own, like “I know you know your names, why don’t you respond when I use them?” and “You know you’re NOT supposed to get on the counter (I can tell this by their guilty faces), so why do you?”
They probably think these are dumb questions, but I feel knowing the answers would improve our relationship. I guess I’ll never know because unless Phineas and Ferb bring their animal translation machine over to my house, the cats and I are going to continue to befuddle each other.