Don’t leave this dog alone

Today goes to the dogs!

There are a lot of famous dogs on Facebook. I imagine there’s one for every breed. I follow a couple, but my favorite is Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund. He lives in Canada with his sister, Daphne, and has the best videos of any animal I’ve ever seen.

Crusoe has a brother named Oakley, who’s a bit of a doofus, so of course, he’s my favorite of the brothers. Oakley visits Crusoe occasionally, and they make videos together. Oakley is rarely in a film by himself, but when he is, it’s always hilarious.

This newest video is probably Oakley’s best. He does his version of Home Alone, the funny Christmas movie about a kid being left home alone and thwarting burglars.

Oakley thwarts a “hamburgler” in ingenious doggy ways. He may not be the smartest of the dachshund brothers, but he is the funniest. Check out this video, and be prepared to laugh out loud. I laughed so loud that Hubby thought I was crying. Watching this made my day.