I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid, I don’t know when that love started, but there is a family story that when I was six, I told someone I wanted to be a paleontologist.
My favorite dinosaur has always been the brontosaurus, even when there were no brontosauruses. I would tell that to anyone, whether they asked me or not.
Last Saturday, our friends visited with their daughters. Ellie is three, and Emmy is one. Ellie and I have discussed dinosaurs before, so I knew she’s a fan.
Ellie came into my house, and after giving me a thank you card for her birthday gifts (she took it out of the envelope herself), she asked if she could play with my dinosaurs. I have four dollar store dinosaurs that Hubby gave me for Valentine’s Day a few years back. I, of course, told Ellie to have fun.
After a few minutes, Ellie picked up one of the dinosaurs and asked me what it was called. I told her it was a stegosaurus, and she said it was her favorite. I hope she tells everyone this, just like I did.
Most kids grow out of their love of dinosaurs. Ellie might too, or perhaps she’ll become a world-famous paleontologist. Either way, I’m just glad to have someone to play dinosaurs with.