Cutting to the truth

Welcome to Day 8 of my July Trivia posts.*

Trivia: Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

This is NOT TRUE. I should end the post there. If you google “Who invented scissors?” the first answer is Leonardo Da Vinci. But if you click on the link, it says scissors were invented in Rome in AD 1. Come on, Google, it can’t be both.

And it isn’t. While Da Vinci used scissors and promoted their use, this tool had been around a long time. In fact, they had been around a lot longer than AD 1. The ancient Egyptians used a scissor-like tool in 1,500 BC, and other similar devices have been dated back to 3,000 BC in the Middle East.

So please don’t spread this false trivia that Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. I’m embarrassed for whoever put it on this trivia list.

I give this trivia a 0 out of 10. Even though it allowed me to learn the truth, it gets a zero for being pure fiction.

*I’m doing something hard (for me) in July that I don’t want to talk about until August (in case I fail.) This something takes a lot of time, so I’m simplifying my July posts. I’m using a list of trivia that Aunt Patti emailed me. Each day, I will explore a trivia fact and bring you the truth, not just the clickbait. I might even rate the trivia. I think this will be fun because I love exploring new topics and sharing them with you. I hope you learn something too. If you do, why not share it with a friend. One of my goals is to get more readers, and word of mouth is a great way to do that. Many thanks.