Clean and be happy

I’m not a fan of spring cleaning.

Actually, I’m not a fan of cleaning. I do it, and if company is coming, I do it thoroughly, but there are a ton of things I’d rather be doing. If you like to clean, that’s cool. I think for most of us, cleaning is a chore and chores are boring.

However, a super clean can bring happiness, not in the doing, but in the finishing. There is a sense of contentment and accomplishment when you can sit on your sofa and know the cleaning is done and done well.

It’s Saturday. No one wants to clean on Saturday, so make a schedule today, and over the next week, dedicate yourself to cleaning one room a day. In a short amount of time, you’ll have your spring cleaning done. Be sure to enjoy the results. Plus, clean is vital in 2020, so it has a double reward.

If you have a way to make cleaning more enjoyable, let me know. I’m sure I’ll have to do more of it.