A simple change

I’ve lived in my current home for six years.

For all those years, the mixing bowls that I use daily have been on two shelves behind a narrow door. To reach most of them, the bowls in front have to be moved, and I’m too short to reach the ones further back. I’ve done it this way for six years because I couldn’t think of another place to put them.

My cups and glasses live on a large shelf above our plates. We don’t use all of them all the time, but they are all together, with room to spare.

Finally, I made a change.

I put the bowls on the large shelf and the cups behind the narrow door. The cups I use most often are easy to reach, and the less-used ones are out of the way. But more importantly, my four stacks of bowls are now all accessible. I don’t have to move one set to reach another. It makes a lot more sense.

Do you have a shelf that annoys you or a commonly used object that is hard to get to? It’s easy to just live with the headache, and after a while, you might not even notice. A simple change might be right in front of your eyes. Perhaps like me, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it years ago.