A shelf of upside-down books

Like all book lovers, I have a large TBR (to be read) pile. My unread books, fiction and non-fiction, were scattered throughout the house. Many of these books will leave my house once I read them, but I keep doing other things (like decluttering.)

When we emptied Hubby’s office, we acquired an extra bookshelf. It ended up in the bedroom, where I turned it into the perfect storage center (more about that later.)

I often read in bed, so I came up with the idea to move my unread books to the bedroom. I had extra shelf space, so this worked perfectly. To remind me that they were unread, I turned all the books upside down.

I originally planned to finish a book and set it on the shelf right side up as a visual way to see my progress. I’ve now decided that the books I finish will not go back on the TBR shelf, but I’m leaving the books upside down just because.

For fun, I’m going to take a picture of the shelf every time I finish and remove a book. I’ll be able to see my progress easier. 

I finished a book yesterday (it wasn’t very good) and started a new book today (it’s awesome!) It feels good to shrink my TBR pile. I’m not buying any print books in 2021, so I should have fewer books to move this summer. 

My ebooks TBR list is much longer (and we won’t even discuss all the audiobooks I have), but I’ll deal with them later. I might read three to five books a week, but even I have limits.


Here is my TBR shelf with one book already gone.