Cheaper than paint

The title of this post is a little misleading. I’m not actually talking about real wallpaper (and I have no idea if it is cheaper than paint.) I’m talking about the wallpaper on your computer screen and your phone. I love matching my wallpaper to the season or to the superhero I’m into at the time. Sometimes I change my look weekly, and other times I leave it the same for months. I just changed it today, and I love seeing something new.

In contrast, Hubby uses what came with his laptop. I chose his phone’s wallpaper, and he has never changed it.

Do you like to customize your digital wallpaper? Do you leave it alone or change it often? Do you have a favorite theme?

Wallpaper is one of those items that can be personal because almost nobody sees it but you. Why not google some new ideas and freshen up your look. Today I smiled every time I used my phone.