I was reading the book I go to when I want to relax, Bones, Rocks, and Stars by Chris Turney. It’s a very readable science book, and I enjoy the stories a lot, although I hadn’t picked it up for a couple of years. Anyway, I was reading before going to bed, and a small piece of paper fell out of the book.
In my handwriting, it said “chthonic” on one side and “THAN-nik adj. of or relating to the underworld: infernal” on the other.
I can’t explain how happy this made me. First of all, I had completely forgotten that I had ever seen this awesome word. Second, I had also forgotten that I tucked this paper in this book. And third, I got to re-experience learning this word.
I usually tuck pictures in books because it’s fun to stumble across random photos. But after finding this word gem, I’m going to start tucking more words in books. I might even add some to books I donate. Perhaps someone else will experience the joy that I did when that paper fell out.
I encourage you to tuck things in books: photos, hand-written notes, five-dollar bills. Just about anything can be a wonderful surprise the next time you open the book.