Everyone can write a novel

National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) started on Sunday.

This will be the twelfth time I’m participating. Some years, I start with no idea what I’m going to write. This year, I have a few characters, a setting, and a brief outline (that will probably get tossed out the window.) I can’t wait to get started.

My county has a robust Nanowrimo group. Our awesome ML (municipal liaison) has created contests with amazing prizes. The first event is at midnight on November 1, and I will be typing the moment October ends.

As with most events, Nanowrimo is virtual this year. That won’t stop me from writing 50,000 words or more, but I will miss hanging out with fellow writers at the library write-ins. Luckily we have the technology to meet online.

I invite you to join in the adventure. Most of us have an idea for a novel lurking in the back of our minds. Why not bring it into the sunshine this November. Writing 50,000 words in one month can sound impossible, but it is only 1,667 words a day. Write 600 words before each meal, and you’ll have it in the bag. I plan to write 2,000 words before breakfast – just for fun.