I’m going to the library!!! (Sort of)

I have the coolest library in the world.

The Timberland Regional Library is a system made up of twenty-seven interconnected libraries in five counties. I loved going to the library, browsing the stacks, or putting books on hold, knowing that I had access to any book in any library in the system. It was book nirvana.

Thanks to this weird world, my library has been closed since March. Total bummer. But since my county has moved into phase 3, I can once again check out books starting today. Hooray! Throw confetti!!

There are limitations. I can only get books from my primary library, and it will be curbside pick-up, so I won’t be browsing the stacks. Still, it’s a start. I appreciate all the librarians who are working hard to make this new program work.

Libraries are a vital part of any community, and I support any effort that gets ours up and running.