A section break with style

There are several ways to mark a section break in a book.

Some authors just leave a few lines blank. Others use three asterisks (***) or three dashes ( – – -). But in older texts and high-quality books published today, a stylized ivy is used. This symbol is called a hedera (hedera is an ivy) and looks like this:


I love this look and plan to use it in my own writing (much classier than asterisks.) If you want to use it, the easiest way to enter it into a Word document is with a Unicode. (I love Unicodes.) For a horizontal hedera, use U+2766 and for a vertical one use U+2767. To make these convert, type Alt-x after the Unicode. Simple and elegant


One Reply to “A section break with style”

  1. Very Cool. I will use this. I never had any desire to be a typesetter, so sometimes I yearn for the old Unix word processor, Joe. (I know it’s still around but I am not that much into excessive simplicity.)

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