Videos – Footle and Grok Messing about with empathy Sat, 14 Mar 2020 01:34:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Videos – Footle and Grok 32 32 168634505 Eat some pi Sat, 14 Mar 2020 01:34:58 +0000 Read the full article

Happy Pi Day!!!

IMG_4892-1 (2)
by Sandra Boyton

I’m running 5 miles today, but if I had planned it better, I’d run 3.14 miles. Darn, training plan. However, I’ll celebrate in other ways, like making Irish soda bread (it has a circumference!)

If you listened to the Footle and Grok podcast yesterday (I’d love for you to subscribe), you learned all sorts of fun pi facts. Have you ever wanted to learn more digits of pi? Me neither. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a song about it.

Check out this video by ASAP Science, where they sing one hundred digits of pi. I have this song on my phone, and no matter how often I listen to it, I can’t sing it. However, it’s a catchy and fun song. Today is the perfect day to share it with your friends.

Eat some pie, sing a pi song, and learn a few more digits of this infinitely interesting number. And remember pi are square, not round.

Don’t forget to wash your hands (or paws) Fri, 13 Mar 2020 02:42:49 +0000 Read the full article

Happy Friday the 13th.

I’m going to keep this short because I have to pet my black kitties and walk under a few ladders in honor of this superstitious day.

You’ve probably heard from a lot of people that you should wash your hands often for 20 seconds. Well, if you are curious about how to do a GOOD job that takes no time at all, check out this video put out by Big Picture Science. They got their information from the CDC, so I’m all over it. Plus, it’s a lot more fun to do more than just move your hands back and forth, trying to remember which song you are supposed to sing.

Happy Friday the 13th from Hela and Alfred, who wash their paws all the time.


Ships cats are so cute! Sat, 07 Mar 2020 06:17:20 +0000 Read the full article

Everyone should watch A Short History of Ships Cats – Floating Felines, Maritime Moggies and Kleptomaniac KittensThis video is 27 minutes long and worth every minute.


I knew cats lived on ships to take care of the rat problem, but I had no idea about all the other reasons they were needed. Most of the cat featured were on British ships; I would love to learn about cats on American vessels as well.

In this video, I learned that the British government has a medal for military animals who do great things called the Dicken Medal. The United States does not have a similar honor, and I think we should.

If you want a half-hour of cuteness and military history, check out A Short History of Ships Cats. It’s the cat’s meow!

Goodnight Neil Fri, 21 Feb 2020 08:25:39 +0000 Read the full article

Anyone who knows me knows that “Goodnight Moon” is my least favorite book ever. I can suggest a dozen similar books that are much better. However, I will listen to this boring story over and over when LeVar Burton of Reading Rainbow fame reads it to a sleepy Neil deGrasse Tyson. This just goes to show that the narrator matters.
