A holiday worth crying over

Happy National Onion Day!

It didn’t seem fair to give onion rings a post without also honoring onions. Hubby and I eat a lot of onions. I love scallions and add yellow or white onions to everything. A burger isn’t complete without an onion slice.

I was curious to know how many types of onions there are, and I found a great website that covers the types of onions and the best way to cook with them. Here is the list.

  1. Bermuda onions
  2. Boiling onions
  3. Chives
  4. Cipollini onions
  5. Cocktail onions
  6. Egyptian onions
  7. Green onions
  8. Leeks
  9. Maui onions
  10. Pearl onions
  11. Pickling onions
  12. Red onions
  13. Redwing onions
  14. Shallots
  15. Spanish onions
  16. Texas supersweet onions
  17. Vidalia onions
  18. Walla Walla Sweet onions
  19. Welsh onions
  20. White onions
  21. Yellow onions

How many have you heard of? I’ve heard of twelve of them (which surprised me), and I’ve eaten nine of them (which surprised me even more.)

We can’t talk about onions without talking about tears. Do you cry when you cut onions? If not, what is your secret? I cry sometimes. It depends on how juicy the onion is.

I do have one bad onion memory. When I was a kid, my mom would serve peas and pearled onions for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I would never eat it. Peas were bad enough, and onions were not going to fix that problem.

Other than that unfortunate canned side dish, I love onions and would love the chance to try them all. If you are curious about the best way to cook with these onions, check out the website. They have a helpful infographic.